Your Business Starts With YOU!!!

Is LIFE getting in the way of you starting or growing your business 😫???

Then you need a plan, a HOLISTIC plan ✨!!!

Create your Whole Boss Business Model:

I know you already have a lot on your plate. Juggling family, business, and your personal life can be rough. Not having enough time, energy, or a clear path to profit usually stops us in our tracks.

If you're a female entrepreneur looking for a way to balance your existing life with a successful business, then I created this Ultimate Business Starter Kit for you. Inside of it, you'll get everything you need to get aligned and help you...
  • Get crystal clear on how you want to set up your business so that it is perfect for you and your clients.
  • Create a clear path to your true desires using Whole Goals planner.
  • Make yourself a priority with a daily healthy plan to take excellent care of yourself. 
  • Get rid of your overwhelm by identifying and releasing the clutter that's holding you back in your life and business.  
  • Map out your business, content and profit plan create content and products that solve the problems of your ideal clients with my one-page business plan. 
  • Use my essential toolbox with a list of my favorite tech tools to help you automate and have more flow in your business.

"I feel like you made this just for me. This is for people who need to get real clear real quick about their business." -Shakti Mwamba

“The one-page business plan is awesome, I like the simplicity yet fruitful content that keeps us focused." -R. Hannah”

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